Naomi Klein on C-SPAN

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The more I hear Naomi Klein, the more I respect her and learn from her. She put her finger right on something I've been struggling with. (She is the author of No Logo and The Shock Doctrine.)
Dear Readers -- have you noticed that I have said very little about the healthcare policy put forth by the Obama administration? I haven't. And Naomi Klein said something like this: "Obama's opponents are attacking the healthcare plan and Obama's supporters are in a quandry: they don't know whether to support it or not. They don't know if the public option is good enough. They don't like it that abortion won't be paid for ..." That's so true! I don't know whether to support it or not. I feel like I *should* support it ... because I hope it will be a stepping stone to a better healthcare plan. But, will it really?
If you want to hear Naomi Klein's interview on C-SPAN's Q&A, go here, oh curious one.
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