Politics: Helping Americans in Need
No, it's NOT South Dakota.
OK, Haiti is rapidly falling off the radar, which is terrible. And we have plenty to say about that situation.
Meanwhile, the recent winter storms are cruelly mistreating a group of Americans who have been ignored and mistreated and exploited as much as the Haitians, and it's hardly being reported.
Why the fuck is that? Don't First Peoples make good news? The Sioux in South Dakota are fucking freezing their asses off, without power, without water, without transportation in one of the worst fucking storms, and where the fuck is the reportage??
Here's the skinny from the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe:
Eagle Butte, SD (January 30, 2010) - The Cheyenne River Reservation located in the State of South Dakota, homeland of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, is currently facing an emergency situation due to an ice storm that crippled the electrical and water infrastructure. Though the ice storm has passed, the water and power system remains challenged and several Reservation communities have been without power for over ten (10) days. Moreover, a bitterly cold weather system is expected to come in by Sunday evening.Note that this is dated a little less than two weeks ago. We all know we've had a Snowmageddon since then.
Therefore, the Tribe continues to operate an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to coordinate communications, relief efforts, and resource distribution. The phone numbers for the EOC have been changed to (605) 964-1313 and (605) 964-1314 and the location has moved to the Cheyenne River Sioux Cable Television office on Main St. in Eagle Butte, South Dakota.
Though some communities have a water supply, please be advised to boil all water before drinking. The Tribe has organized an emergency water distribution to the East End of the Reservation today. Tomorrow, an emergency water distribution will be coming into the West End communities. More information will be forthcoming regarding emergency water distribution to the communities outside of Eagle Butte over the next week. Any resulting sewage or pipe damage from the breakdown in the water system should be reported to the Emergency Operations Center.
Emergency shelters in Eagle Butte, Cherry Creek, La Plant, Swiftbird, Red Scaffold, Takini, Bear Creek, Timber Lake, and Whitehorse have been converted into Emergency Shelter/Distribution Centers. These Centers will distribute goods and supplies that are essential to surviving the winter and the impending cold front. A large amount of supplies will be delivered to these Centers tomorrow.
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) has been opened up for business for all qualifying residents of the Reservation. Please call the office directly to address your energy needs.
As of Sunday, January 31, 2010, the (605) 964-7711 and (605) 964-7712 telephone numbers will revert to their regular use for the Indian Health Service Ambulance Service and will direct callers to the new phone number for the EOC. For all other emergencies such as medical or law enforcement emergencies, please call 911.
Randolph Runs After, Information Officer, Incident Command
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
(605) 964-1313,
Anita Thompson, LIHEAP Director
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
(605) 964-8384 office
Are you out there? Can you help? Write a letter to your local paper? Call your local news station? Ask your Congresscritter why there isn't more noise being made and help being sent to a people who have had their entire country stolen from them? OK, maybe you can't phrase it that way. Those motherfuckers get awful testy about Teh People communicating honestly with their reps.
But if you can get off your ass and do something for some suffering people right close to hand, then, please. Please do. And please, if you can find it in your heart to organize a group, to raise funds, to engage in some kind of activism ... because we're all real good at getting on the Internet and typing our way into carpal tunnel, but that's not going to do shit for these folks.
For a full report on charities that are assisting, maps of the worst-hit areas, Congresscritters who really really need to hear from you, go here.
The linked post will tell you how to pay a reservation family's heating bill, or who you can send warm clothing to that might really need it, or, fuck, a zillion other things you can do to help. Let's not forget our own. Charity begins at home.
Labels: activism, American Indians, congresscritter, First Nations
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