Wanda Sykes at the Corresponent's Dinner
PolCat and I very much enjoyed Stephen Colbert at the Correspondent's Dinner ... was that two years ago? And now, I just watched Wanda Sykes give her talk. I *love* Wanda Sykes. She just cracks me up so much!
And Dick Cheney ... now he's scary. I'm scared of him. I tell my kids, if you're walking down the street and two cars pull up and inside one is a stranger and inside the other is Cheney -- go with the stranger.If you want to watch Wanda Sykes at the Corresponent's Dinner, just double-click on this:
And, if you want to watch highlights of President Obama's talk at the Corresponent's dinner, go here.
Labels: Wanda Sykes
3 years ago (2006). They disinterred Rich Little for 2007.
Thanks, Comrade! Wonder who was last year ... I'll have to look it up.
Sykes...and Jesse Ventura (wonder of wonders), got the goods on Cheney, the prick! :-)
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