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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Iraq War - Treating Disabled Veterans

Tim Ngo with his girlfriend and his mother
NPR reports:
Tim Ngo almost died in a grenade attack in Iraq. He sustained a serious head injury; surgeons had to cut out part of his skull. At Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., he learned to walk and talk again.

When he got back home to Minnesota, he wore a white plastic helmet to protect the thinned-out patches of his skull. People on the street snickered, so Ngo's mother took a black marker and wrote on the helmet: U.S. ARMY, BACK FROM IRAQ. On this much, everyone agrees.

But here is the part that is in dispute: The Army says Tim Ngo is only 10 percent disabled.
What this means is, this guy cannot get continuing health care coverage from the military.

This is disgusting. It's a disgrace. How can you take a healthy young person and injure or kill them and then ignore the suffering that you created? Write your congresscritter. This cannot be allowed to go on.

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