You're so Bain
Welp, I haven't posted anything in what feels like years, though it has probably only been a year or so. My bad, I lost and forgot my password. I have too many of the stinking things to remember them all anyway, though through a wild stroke of luck here, I just found it! So I thought I would pen up something sarcastic about current events and post it.
I wonder though, since there hasn't been much activity here recently, it will probably be a spell before anyone sees this anyway. Maybe I should send out some email and say hi! Hello TPC!
But otherwise, this is on the Eve of President Obama's second debate with Mitt Robme. Or Mitt Rawmoney if you prefer.
Regardless, if you have been paying attention, and you got's to pay attention, you would know that the infamous progeny of Mitt called Bain is in the process of shutting down another American company called Sensata and sending all the jobs to China. And to heap insult on injury, the Sensata workers have to train their Chinese replacements before they are finally fired.
Now I do not want to vilify the Chinese workers. They want to survive too. But otherwise, just great. Don't you just love unbridled capitalism? Free to create new jobs, warm soft fury puppies and kittens and wonderful things for all!
Well, all except for maybe the unlucky bastards working for Sensata but that's their own lookout. The lazy louts should have known better. After all, this is a brave new world, an Ayn Rand fucking paradise! Yeah baby, sign me up! NOT!!!
Well, many years ago in the mid 1990's I almost got signed up like just like those unlucky bastards at Sensata.
I worked for a division of a company that was being sold and guess who tried to buy us. Yeah, that's right, Bain, and while under the leadership of you know who, that marvelous captain of free enterprise and all that is good and wonderful, Mitt Rawmoney.
I was young and naive at the time and did not fully understand the implications if Bain did acquire us but I do remember my supervisor and manager talking about Bain at the time while hoping like crazy that Bain failed. Fortunately for us, Bain failed, and we were bought by another company, that by the way, kept our pension plan intact, something for which I am eternally grateful, because I am collecting on that very pension today and it is helping me survive a layoff from a different company.
But I do have to wonder where that pension plan would be today if Mitt Robme had been successful in taking my old company over. We were ripe and ready for harvesting and Mitt would have harvested us like some sorry old wheat, chopping us down, throwing us out like chaff, and plowing us under. Hey, harvested people are really just things you know. They don't need money, and especially for silly things like pensions. Mitt can put that money to much better use!
Yes, I have no doubt that my silly pension would be sitting in an offshore bank account adding onto Mitt's pile of money.
But that would have been right and OK you see, because in this brave new world where corporations are people (didn't Mitt tell us so!) and people are things, well, things have no use for money. Or food. Or housing. Or even medical care.
The sad thing is that about half of this country seems to agree with Mittens. And I'm sure they will be very happy when Mitt takes away their Social Security and their Medicare and gives it to his rich friends on Wall Street. You know it has been too long since Wall Street had a good party. Don't you think it's time they did!
So tomorrow night, break out the booze and party on while Mitt tells us all how much he cares for his old things. I know that's what I'll be doing while hoping like crazy Mitt fails again.
Another post I read this morning about Sensata:
Hi Peruby, you know, I didn't even know about the grumpy-olddog blog. Thanks for pointing that out. It couldn't be more spot on if it tried!
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