
A Blog devoted to progressive politics, environmental issues, LGBT issues, social justice, workers' rights, womens' rights, and, most importantly, Cats.

Monday, August 17, 2009


To Bri, Cephalopod Master Extraordinaire! Spreader of Sim City and other time-wasters, lender of books, friend of 15 years, victim of many culinary, uh, attempts, and silent sufferer of various hikes. Fellow lover of Science, Personal Tech Support minion, myrmidon of the Geek Revolution, and all-round general Good Guy.

Happy Birfday, Bri! Science weekend full speed ahead.

And to my very special friend of 37 years, VN vet, who survived and went on to make contributions to the mental health of Cats everywhere, political or no! You know who you are, and this blog thanks you and your fellow vets for your service to the nation.

And speaking of Vietnam Vets, Motormouth Murphy, wherever you are, goddamn it, Sunshine and Q would like you to get in touch!

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