Sunday, March 09, 2008

Crime: Youth Mentor Child Molester

Can anyone explain to us what exactly a Youth Mentor is?

The Port Huron Times Herald of Michigan is reporting that a Youth Mentor has been arrested for molesting four teenage boys. We would like to take this opportunity to point out that people seem to get their knickers in a big old wad when boys are molested, and are less inclined to waddiness in the case of little girls.

In fact, when little girls get pregnant because they've been raped by some dubious protohuman lifeform, it's the church that gets its undies in a big old bunch worrying about the fate, not of the girl, but of the fetus that might be in the girl.

No matter what the gender of the child being molested, child molestation is an unacceptable crime. And let's not forget that the vast majority of children are sexually assaulted by family members and family friends. So, parents, quit worrying too much about "stranger danger." Just ensure that you don't turn over the care of your children to "youth mentors," preachers, priests, religious leaders, or anyone else who purports to have authority over you or your children under colour of morality or religion. They're usually the most likely to do something unconscionable to your child.

And someone please explain to us what the fuck a Youth Mentor is.

This particular fellow, a Perry Charles Wilson, 43, of Richmond, was recently arraigned on 12 counts after the mother of one of his victims apparently contacted police. Mr. Wilson has homes in Richmond and Grosse Pointe. The molestation incidents are alleged to have begun some five years ago and continued to the present. The police indicated a strong possibility that there have been more victims. They believe more children who were molested by Wilson may come forward now that he's behind bars. The children involved were between the ages of 8 and 16 years at the time of the incidents.

Wilson's adopted son has been taken away from him since the allegations surfaced. Wilson's attorney entered a not guilty plea. A judge set bond at $200,000 cash surety as long as Wilson does not have any contact with the victims or their family members.

If you have any information about Mr. Wilson or any of his victims, please contact Detective Fred McCallumore, Richmond Police Department, 586-727-7545.


  1. Guilty of Innocence:

    Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States (1801-1809), once said: “When injustice becomes law, then resistance becomes duty!” In this spirit does Mr. Perry Wilson humbly and peacefully continue to resist injustice as he is dutifully bound! He continues to proclaim his complete innocence (and can produce compelling physical evidence of same) and seeks an appeal to his conviction. In retaliation, his captors have labeled his cooperation as a probationer as “superficial” and continue to harass, sanction and resist his attempts to illustrate the truth for these past four years.

    Truth brings the elements of liberty, on its banner is the inspired motto, “Slavery is abolished.” No power can withstand truth. What is this supposed power which opposes itself to truth? Whence cometh it? What is it that binds an innocent man (like Wilson) with iron shackles, psychological warfare, frivolous unsuccessful civil suites and weapons drawn? Whatever enslaves innocence is opposed to legitimate government, truth makes man free!

    The illusion of wrongful motive/s, not truth, has attempted to bind this man, entangle his free limbs, cripple his capacities, enfeeble his body, and deface the tablet of his being. Despite all this, Wilson continues to build on a foundation of truth and love. Truth and love not just talked about, but truth and love demonstrated throughout his entire ordeal. Wilson’s weary hope tries to realize that happy day, when all involved in this case shall recognize that liberty is won not through human warfare, not with lies, deceit, intimidation, weapons and physical restraints, but through demonstration of “on earth peace, good will toward men.” Truth is never superficial! Stay tuned, dear readers, TRUTH ALWAYS WINS! 8/2012

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Hes not innocent i promise u tht he is a child molestor

  2. Thank you for your comment, dboy91. I hope that your knowledge does not come from personal experience.

  3. Hey semper,
    What the fuck are talking about ??
    Are you Mr Wilson's attorney or friend or fellow mollester?
    Seriously dude, how could you get behind a sick bastard like Perry?
    Oh yeah ,you probably have been
    "Behind" Perry for years ,
    He shoulld Burn in hell,
    Or let the fathers of the little boys that he mentored ? Have a good old fashioned "sit down".
    Youth Mentor W T F!!'?
    If truth wins in this one, mr,Wilson should be getting a daily beat-down,
