Finally, the crooks and liars are starting to go down, down, down. Let's start with The Very Unreverend Mr. Christian_Clean, better known as Ralph Reed:
Bye, Ralphie, wish I could say it's been fun.
And who's this, next? Nay, it can't be Ney. Why, yes it is! Yet another corrupt Crook&Liar, snared by the GOP scandal:
"Temporarily stepping down," he says. Reminds me of another popular euphemism from the work world: "He's resigning to spend more time with his family."
Newsweek doesn't think Ney's, er, stepdown, is so temporary:
And the good Christians of the Fundie Megachurch right appear to have their knives out for each other:
Whatever happened to "Do as you would be done by"?
To no one's surprise, the GOP, like its craphead-'n-thief, thinks it's above the law:
Before Tom DeLay's corpse had even gotten cold, Roy Blunt leapfrogged the fallen Leader to get his knife, I mean, application, in (for DeLay's recently vacated post). And now? There is reason to hope, and believe, that the man handpicked by Tom DeLay for his position is going down mit der Fuhrer, I mean, Hammer:
Who'd'a thunk? BushWaaah gets to tell you what the law is, no matter what congresscritters or the courts say:
And, in other news, the Washington Post is hardly as neutral as one would expect it to be:
Nope, no problems at all recruiting cannon fodder for Dear Leader's War on Little Brown People With Oil:
Nothing to see here, move along.
In other news, even Cronkite thinks it's time:
Surprise, surprise. Delay doing worse than Bush in polls:
Less than 20% has *got* to hurt.
Remember when Georgie Porgie royally pissed us all off last week by trumpeting the reconstruction of NOLA? Apparently Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a Republican, agrees with Most People that The PrezNitWit is talking out of his other orifice:
We're glad to know that you think your husband should be allowed to spy on us, Laura:
No, really. It's so important to have constitutional scholars weigh in on these issues.
Meanwhile, Shrubya's career as author/pundit appears to be taking off. Have you read "How to Win Friends and Influence People," by George W. Bush?
And, wonder of wonders, Roy Blunt might have an ethics problem:
For those out there who haven't heard, Rep Murtha has had comments on the war in Iraq. And I'll bet you're shocked, no, horrified to hear that Faux News might not have told you everything you might want to know about the response to Rep Murtha's comments on the war in Iraq:
Scroll down to Rep Murtha & Rep Moran Town Hall Meeting.
In other "I-word" news, former Rep Holzman says: I could get wit' dat:
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